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covenant-less Ark


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This page describes a variant of Ark that doesn't need a covenant primitive in the underlying block-chain but that uses pre-signed transactions to simulate the effect of a covenant.

Co-signing vs covenants​

Instead of using a covenant primitive, which allows deterministic encoding of child transactions and encoding them inside the output scripts of the parent output. This is very practical because it means that the ASP can encode commitments to these transactions and then send them to the users who can in their turn deterministically verify that all the correct child transactions have been committed.

When using pre-signed transactions, these transactions can't just be simply encoded, but have to be actually created and then co-signed by a number of participants and the signatures for each of these transactions have to be stored in order for them to be valid.

Which co-signers?​

Since we will be emulating a simple covenant, i.e. enforcing a single spend path, we will be pre-signing transactions and try to minimize the chance that an alternative transaction can be signed because this will effectively break the covenant.

The most obvious approach to this would be to include in the co-signer set all parties that will rely on the covenant. If 100% of the stakeholders in the covenant need to provide a signature to break it, it won't ever be broken so long as any of the stakeholders wants the covenant to hold.

Receivers sign​

In the context of the VTXO tree in Ark, this would mean that all owners of the leaves of the trees have to sign all the transactions on the nodes between their leaf and the root, and the ASP has to sign all transactions as well. This poses an obvious difficulty though: it requires that these receivers are online at the time of receiving and it requires that they actively participate in the Ark round. As opposed to only the signers having to participate to sign their forfeit transactions.

Senders sign​

There is an interesting alternative, though. Like we discussed above, we want to minimize the chance that the covenant gets broken, but we are struggling with the requirement that all receivers have to show up for the Ark round.

But interestingly, during an Ark round, we already require a lot of interactions with all the senders in the round. They have to participate in the round because they have to sign their forfeit transactions. So what if all the senders of the entire round and the ASP become the co-signers of all pre-signed transactions? As long as a single signer behaves honestly (i.e. removes their cosign key or at least never double-spends any of the signed transactions), the simulated covenant will hold.

This is the version of clArk we will present in this document: the version where all signers in the round not only sign their forfeit transactions, but at the same time become co-signers of the entire VTXO tree.


As opposed to a non-interactive covenant onboard, the cosign onboard will be interactive. This is because the transaction for the unilateral exit has to be cosigned by the ASP. This is called the reveal tx and it is identical to the leaf txs of the VTXO trees.

A user that wants to on-board will ask the ASP to cosign this reveal tx. The ASP does not have to do any real checks on it while signing. Only when the user tries to spend the on-board VTXO in a round, the ASP will have to check the user side of the signature.

Rounds and Transactions​

The flow of how the Ark rounds work in clArk is very similar to covenant Ark. There is one extra step: the step in which all participants, i.e. all senders plus the ASP, cosign the entire VTXO tree.

The steps are as follows:

  • Users inform the ASP of which inputs they want to spend and which outputs they want to create.

    • Together with this, they create a new temporary keypair to use for the VTXO tree signing and attach it together a series of pre-generated MuSig2 signing nonces that they will use to sign the VTXO tree.
  • The ASP collects all this information, creates an unsigned round tx and an unsigned VTXO tree. It sends this info to the users in a "VTXO proposal".

    • It also generates its own signing nonces and uses the nonces provided by the users to calculate the aggregate nonces for all signatures in the entire tree.
    • It also provides the users with all the public keys of all cosigners.
  • The users validate that their desired outputs are included in the tree and that their cosigning public key is included in the list of cosigners.

    • They proceed to sign all the txs in the VTXO tree using the aggregated nonces and all the cosigner public keys.
  • The ASP aggregates all the partial signatures for the VTXO tree transactions and as such constructs a fully signed VTXO tree.

    • It then generates their MuSig2 signing nonces for all the forfeit transactions for all participating input VTXOs.
    • It sends the entire signed VTXO tree and the forfeit nonces to the users.
  • The users validate that the signed VTXO tree is still the same one that they signed before and they validate that all signatures are correct.

    • They then sign all forfeit transactions using the connectors and the nonces provided by the ASP. They send the finished forfeit signatures to the ASP.
  • When the ASP collected all forfeit signatures, it signs the round tx and sends the public round information to all users: a copy of the signed VTXO tree and the signed round tx.

Storage Requirements​

A final big difference between clArk and covenant Ark is that in the VTXO tree, the commitments to child transactions are the signatures of the transactions and not the transaction templates. In Ark, child transactions are encoded into the output covenants of the parent, so they can just be deterministically created and spent as such.

In clArk, however, in order to create valid child transactions, they need to have valid signatures. These signatures obviously can't be deterministically generated, so they have to be stored. This means that additional data has to be stored for users to have a safe exit path. For Ark, knowing all the VTXO leaves and some tree-specific parameters is sufficient, while for clArk, the signatures of the tree, or at least for your exit branch, have to be stored alongside the other information.